Weight Loss Watcher

The Weight Loss Watcher needs organization and eyeballs to advance the battle against further weight gain.

..........Destination 170 lbs
.....Position 178 lbs.....
Origin 200 lbs..........

Losing the Thanksgiving Weight

Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Mine saw me gain a pound. According to Oprah's friend, Dr. Oz, that's the national average.
The combination of celebration, abundant food, and the stress of travel and spending time with family makes overeating seem nearly impossible to avoid. Dr. Oz says not to focus on losing waist during the holidays. Instead, work to build muscle and keep stable so that you can lose waist after the gifts have been unwrapped, the decorations are back in the attic, and your cousins are back at their houses.
Good advice from America's Doctor. I have lost 2 pounds since Thanksgiving, bringing my new low to 178!