Weight Loss Watcher

The Weight Loss Watcher needs organization and eyeballs to advance the battle against further weight gain.

..........Destination 170 lbs
.....Position 178 lbs.....
Origin 200 lbs..........

Article About Fellow Weight Loss Watcher

Here is a good article about a guy who lost 55 pounds in 54 days. If his weight remained the same after the next day, I would have opted for 55 pounds in 55 days. I think that sounds much cooler. Anyway, he has his own site. Below is an excerpt from the article.
Ray Bartley’s shocking day-by-day weight loss of 55 pounds in 54 days is captured on film in the new DVD, 55 Pounds in 54 Seconds. The documentary title comes from a special feature where the 54 days it took Ray to go from 275 to 220 pounds is accelerated to take place in 54 seconds.

The video sounds pretty cool. I'll link to it if he adds it to the site.