Weight Loss Watcher

The Weight Loss Watcher needs organization and eyeballs to advance the battle against further weight gain.

..........Destination 170 lbs
.....Position 178 lbs.....
Origin 200 lbs..........

Great Weight Loss Research Resource

I just read a press release for a weight loss research resource with no affiliation. Of course, the positive here is they are not selling anything, so there information should be unbiased. Below is an excerpt from the press release:
While Rapid Empowerment does endorse other resources that it believes would benefit its readership, there are no links or affiliations with any other company in the weight loss industry. This allows idealweightresearch.com to be an independent source of information, with the only aim of making their visitors experts on their on own body.
The site is Ideal Weight Research. The site discusses all techniques and pills, but always relates them to its mantra: If you burn more calories than you take in, you lose weight.