Weight Loss Watcher

The Weight Loss Watcher needs organization and eyeballs to advance the battle against further weight gain.

..........Destination 170 lbs
.....Position 178 lbs.....
Origin 200 lbs..........

1/11/6 Weight Loss Watcher Explication

A late night run. Some find it strange that I run (euphemism for walk - I promise that's the last time I use that joke) before I go to sleep, but sometimes it's the only option.

  • 2.5 mph
  • 30 minutes
  • 1.23 miles
Weight Loss Watcher Epilogue
You can't go wrong with actors like Malkovich, Landau, Turturro, Norton, and Damon, and character names like KGB, Worm, and Grama! The intensity of the movie made the workout easy. And what a great ending!